The Student Detail is the primary source of information in ADAPT. It contains all of the identifying data on a student and information regarding demographic information, evaluation dates, staff access, and other student-specific information. The ability to edit the student's Student Detail is based on the user's permission. Keeping the information on the Student Detail updated ensures data integrity throughout ADAPT.
Student Information Cards
These two cards display information that has been entered in the Student and Parents/Guardian Details tabs for quick access. The information can be updated in the tabs below, but cannot be updated in the cards.
Student Contact Information
- Check the Student Contact Information is Private to removed the student's demographic information from the print version of the form.
- The WISEid is an identifying field that can be used to search for the student.
- The Former Name field is an identifying field that can be used to search for the student.
Background Information
- Selecting the Make Forms Available in?>English and Spanish option will add the option to add translated text to a form when it is available.
Parent /Guardian
- Click here to remove this Parent/Guardian's information
- Check the Contact Information is Private to remove the parent's demographic data from the print view of the forms.
- If the parents/guardians live at the same address, add their names together in the field, for example, John and Jane Smith. If the parent/guardian live at different addresses, add them separately by using the +Add Another Parent/Guardian button.
- Click the Add Another Phone if additional phone information is needed.
- Resident District - the district where the student lays their head at night
- Resident School - the school the student would attend according to their address
- Student Information System ID # - the ID the districts SIS (Skyward, Infinite Campus, Power School, JMC) assigned to the student
- Placement District - the district the student attends
- Placement School/School of Attendance - the school the student attends
- District of Open Enrollments - the district which accepts the Open Enrollment
- District of Tuition Waiver - The district which accepts the Tuition Waiver
Evaluation Data
- Evaluation Type - Initial or Re-evaluation can be selected or the Evaluation Type will prefill from the ADAPT A-2 / Notice of Receipt of Referral or Notice of Reevaluation
- Does Child Have an Impairment? this is one of the two questions which must be answered Yes for the student to be an active 504 student
- Is a 504 Plan Required? this is one of the two questions which must be answered Yes for the student to be an active 504 student
- Evaluation in Process? answer yes if the student is in the process of a 504 evaluation
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