Adding a Student
Prior to adding a student, always search for the student by using the Advanced Search on the Dashboard. The Advanced Search requires the Last Name and WISEid or Birth Date. If the Advanced Search finds the student, Activate the student into the district.
If the advanced search did not find the student, the student can be added by selecting Students>Manage Students>Add Single Student
Add Single Student
To add one student at a time, select Add Single Student. When adding a new student, there are 4 required fields:
- Last name
- Gender
- Birth Date
- District of Residence
These fields will change to red if they are not completed when you attempt to save.
ADAPT will give an alert when a new student is added and they have the same last name/birthdate or the same WISEid as another student in the database (including SEEDS).
Adding Multiple Students
To add multiple students from your district, or to do a mass update of student data, use the ADAPT Student Import Template and/or the ADAPT Student Parent Import Template. When these templates are completed, this information can be uploaded as a CSV file by selecting Add Student from the Advanced Search screen. Select Import from File.
At this point, choose the following:
1. Placement District for all students imported.
2. The staff that will need to access all students imported.
3. Select the CSV file that includes your Student Import Template. (Required)
4. Select the CSV file that includes your Student Parent Import Template.
Select the Import button when ready to import.
After the information has been imported, you will be able to review the files that were updated at the bottom of that screen. If you select one of the Started Dates, you will be able to see if any information was not imported due to duplicates or errors.
Updating Student Information
Once a student has been added to ADAPT, their information can be updated by searching that student from the Dashboard. Select the student you would like to update by selecting View. If you have editing permissions, you will be able to edit the fields from that student's Student Detail by scrolling down to the Edit Student Details section. All student-specific information can be found in these tabs.
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