UPDATE - SEEDS will be canceling the tentative maintenance on Friday, May 10 - Sunday, May 12. SEEDS will be available on those dates. During our preparations and testing for this release, the development team were able to identify changes to the updates that can be implemented in a less disruptive way. Rather than needing several days to complete the integration, our development team will apply this update over the course of several nights.
IEP4Schools(SEEDS) may experience occasional maintenance windows during the hours of 6PM-5AM, but will be unaffected during normal work hours. We will announce and send updates with exact days/times to expect those maintenance windows, so be sure to watch for those updates in the Shout Out. We will also be implementing a status page for IEP4Schools that will make it easier to keep up with any planned updates.
We appreciate your planning efforts in preparation for this outage, and we hope that this change of plans can relieve any stress that was caused.
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